Passive Income (business book)

Profile photo for Dalan Decker
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A clip from a business book about earning passive income that I produced for Audible. This is a real delivered project, not a fake one.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
people say that ideas rule the world and they're not getting. There was always that $1,000,000 idea lurking in the shadows. We have in this dot com age, seen a lot of businesses starting out in garages and going on to become multibillion dollar corporations all in less than 20 years. Most great things started with an idea. Virtually everything around us started with an idea. All the investors did was ask the right questions and pushed towards achieving their set objectives. My goal is to unleash the creativity inside of you to get you out of that comfort zone to that place where you can change things. It is my earnest desire that when you read through this guide, you will find your own idea. I also know that sometimes there was always that need for a little extra to get you going. And that's why I have put together this guide on 40 ideas to help you generate income. Some of the ideas listed here are passive, while others will require a greater amount of time and dedication to see them through. However, all of them can eventually become passive through outsourcing. Some will require skills you already possess, and for others you will have to take a few courses and work at it to gain mastery before setting up business. In that niche, in this guide, I will show you in simple steps how to generate income online in a wide variety of businesses and all of them from the comfort of your home.