21 - Detective - grizzled creepy phone telephone conversation actor american detective crime police drama

Movie Trailers


American Detective

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mr Wells. Sorry for the late call. We just received a credible lead on the missing persons case. The girl, Jessica Miller, was last seen in the red light district near a town called Ways Worth. Apparently, she was recruited in some sort off militias. Cult named the Followers off tradition. I've had some of the staff run background information on the origin of the cult. The leader, an ex Harvard psychiatric professor, Dr James Conwell, fired for insubordination. He had bean conducting sociopathic cause ality tests. Using experimental subliminal audio. The participants complained of experiencing horrific hallucinations and hysteria. He then moved to ways worth recruiting vulnerable young women to join his cult. We've tried to contact the local authorities, but no answer at the station. Never think Dr Khan Wells, ex wife filed a restraining order against him several years ago. Sounds like domestic abuse to me. He may be violent. I would advise low detection once you're in the city. Night vision photography only minimal flashlight use. We fear that Doctor Conwell has held Jessica against her will and foul play may be involved. Collect as much forensic evidence as you can so we can warrant and arrest against Doctor Conwell. Be cautious. His experimental testing might be active in the area.