History Fair

Profile photo for Adela Jianu
Not Yet Rated


This is a portion of the Documentary in which I did a voice over and the Documentary won a medal at Nationals.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Actually, the public started becoming suspicious of radium. Radium Corporation kept Quite soon, researchers concluded that radium was connected to the girls. That's rather than cutting. What the girls didn't notice was that upper management and scientists a U S radium were not so open about exposing themselves to radio factories. Couldn't keep the lid on a terrible secret much longer. That didn't stop them from trying. They paid off doctors and dentists to claim the girls were suffering from the sexually transmitted disease. Syphilis Cecile Drinker, Harvard physiologist was hard by U. S radium to write up a report under conditions at the factory drink that couldn't be easily paid off. So U S radium took his report and rewrote in the new report filed between that, every girl is in perfect condition, always a stroke.