My First Voice Over Demo

Profile photo for stephanie Rivkin
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Coached by Amy Grey of radio 104.1, we were able to produce this demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, yeah. Like any mother free. My biggest trouble is trying to figure out what to do with all my free time. Look hot. Be cool. Blonde hair doesn't get any longer than this. With sheer blonde hair care, you can outshine, upstage and out. Do you not gonna move it up the stairs yourself? I got it. You're crazy. You got to get some help. I got a call. My brother. I got like that over under around and proved money. Honey, did it? Look at that. You tied her shoes. Lingerie unimportant The shoes. Who cares? The dress. Forget it. Accessorized what really matters with slim elegance? Lipstick Cow says good words just wouldn't be the same without those. Honey, it's a beautiful card. It's It's just what I wanted. This God, it's beautiful.