Animation VO Demo Reel

Profile photo for Bekka Prewitt
Not Yet Rated


Animation - Characters for Cartoons & Video Games

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sigh in the Forest Series. You beat that wolf race. Do you do it? I'm all ears. Oh, never cash me Stupid girl. I have no need for Chi. I need you gota. This is because lots of cars passed through here, creating danger. All those cars could crash into each other. It's not what you done. It's what you haven't done. You've dedicated your entire life to other people's kids trying to win a damn football game you threw away 20 years ago. Next time we meet will test your skills off the battlefield. This down will fester with disease and rotting, Corpse says. When I am through, they will beg to see the black face of death who love it. Love it, love it. This bus, all this color, the folks you to see me. This is absolutely the proper thing from my particular kind of appearance. A legend is bigger than the truth, not because it says that evil exists, but because it says that evil can be defeated. Were you under the impression that you are my equal? How sad, pathetic creature. I'll grant you a quick death for both our sakes. The powerful always win That's how we stay powerful. No, I did it again. I slept too long. And now I am late for school. This is bad. I need to brush my teeth. They need to Oh, I wash my face when I get back. What's wrong with you? It's an extra ball of stupid for breakfast. Hello, dear heart. When you gaze into the nightmare my beloved, the nightmare cases into you. I wish both golf and Vin Galindo would get it over with and just kill each other already. I'm tired of the bickering. Keep your guns where I can see him and keep your hands to yourself. You want to die first? Oh, the girl. I didn't, Dad. I did it. No, not the Enchanted point Like