Character Demo 2023

Profile photo for Jonathan Myles
Not Yet Rated


New character demo I recently put together! Contains a variety of voices! Enjoy! :)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
your words are dust druid. Show us proof. I shall try Bruce. But my site has been getting weaker, seek the seer shrine awake. The seers of old. Ask them to show you the heart. Silence you. Cretinous. Have interfered with my work long enough and you will most certainly pay for it. Now then I believe our guests have overstayed their welcome bobo, destroy them. Okay Daddy, how many times do I have to tell you? What do you call me when we're at work? Sorry boss. I suppose that's true. I never really tell you what they want from you at best. It's merely a speculation of what they think they want. Somehow it falls to you to give them what they really need. But if it's you, I think you can figure it out. Bear witness for fees of the results of my training. Hold on one second, please please just wait. I promise I won't say anything. Please please let me go, man. Come in command. This is H. G. 31 Jackson. I'm talking to someone who doesn't have their I. D. Pass securely fastened to their belt. Or attach you know who I am, You lanyard. Do I look like I give a funk who you are. City? I'm full of the holiday spirits, greetings. Alien. Come to learn from the terrain. Master select that element. I didn't give it to you for nothing. Point at the dirt icon with your staff and pull the finger lever to select it thumb button to destroy. I'm beat. Time for a nap by. Oh, and if you're lost. I'm gonna be honest with you, I can't be bothered to have you out any further.