Radio Imaging - News - Country - Credible - Aggressive - Fun - Factual

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Promo and imaging voice of more than 50 TV and radio stations across North America and around the world...

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Nash icon. Proud to be playing America's music. This country is right here, Nash Nash icon, 95 KQ DS serving three states over 30 counties worldwide at 95 KQ dot com. And the gal who was working from home and has figured out that the three glasses of wine during lunch doesn't quite work back at the office. Are you drunk? Shut up, Bob. You're an idiot. Nobody likes you anyway. Classic rock KQ. Tomorrow, the Stinchfield report afternoons beginning at his new time at four. What kind of trash radio station are you shape up? You're welcome news and information. 5 70 Klif Danny. Great morning show guy. An awesome daredevil. A not so good guitar player. In the words of meat loaf. Two out of three ain't bad. Your station on the road for the Stanley Cup playoffs on a 670. The score. The workday goes by fast. Yesterday's favorite. The All New Q 99 love. That's what it's so hot. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk or you could listen to Klif for your chance to win $1000. It's the $1000 weekday payday news and information 5 70 Klif.