24- Education -E-Learning Caring Informative Gentle Educational Friendly Warm



A caring and friendly educational voiceover

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Irish (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
our kids. Education is vitally important for us. Is our education system compatible to the advanced technological age? Our Children are growing up in a way, as parents on teacher's wish that all our school Children could have the opportunity of access to smart and advanced learning techniques. Any time, any place without boundaries. Together we will introduce them to go to to an educational portal focusing on the school student study materials in all subjects is accessible in a way that is convenient and individually suited to each student, allowing us as parents to be involved in our Children's learning process, learning together and consulting with class bodies and the teacher on being up to date 24 7 receiving explanations, updates and links directly and easily from the teaching staff to your smartphone, tablet or laptop. 02 To helping you take control of the learning experience while connecting to this student O to to what could be more important