De Fest... Intro... The Earth Knows... Demo

Video Narration

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Senior (55+)


North American (General)


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the Earth knows. Consider the forest. Go underground to the roots. The networks Trees don't just share food. The share information to raise their Children. Protect the weak and the dying, Dave, and support other species. What countries teach us about community? Consider the beaver who can build the dam without killing fish or the man grow which can build a C wome without any wall. Why not learn systems from the systems master? Why not apprentice yourself to the best engineer on Earth? What if we didn't see nature as a problem to solve but as a compass to follow Polynesian Voyagers speak of pulling an island out of the sea, which means they've guided the canoe toe a place beyond the horizon. We too are Voyagers. We to, uh seekers and doers. We each have our island to pull out of the sea. We know it takes hard work and harder work the right ideas and the right questions. Are we bringing everyone along? Are we is focused on equity as we are on sustainability? Are we listening to every voice? Our island are out there. Our job is to navigate in a new, very old way to learn to bound toe let nature guide us