GBA Audio Script for New Product... Financial Demo

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
good financial planning begins with the clients vision of the future, their dreams and aspirations distilled into a coherent combination of financial goals. But in a sea of possible market conditions and life events and changing preferences, Halcon financial planners truly understand and communicate the potential risks and outcomes to their clients. If only there was a way your advisers could analyze a universe of possibilities using enterprise grade algorithms to guide their clients toward achieving their financial goals. Introducing the Milliman Goals based advice platform. Introducing the Milliman Goals based advice platform, a powerful new tool to power the next generation of financial advice software. The Gold's based advice platform can analyze thousands of possible scenarios, each based on the client's personal financial position and goals. When viewed through the filter of the platforms. Intelligent modeling engine, These possibilities become insights to give your advisers a clear view of all the possible financial risks. Traditional modelling tools air overly simple and don't account for a myriad of often competing goals and priorities. The Milliman Gold's based advice platform enables of far more sophisticated analysis on a massive scale