Hearing Aid Avert... Demo

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you find yourself at the point where it seems like a technology can't be improved any further, that's precisely where the truly groundbreaking innovations will happen. But it takes courage and commitment to keep pushing forward when you're one of the few people that believes in the impossible. And that's why, as an engineer, I am so impressed with the new w XXX years of dedication and hard work distilled into one moment, one simple and easy to use product that completely changes the industry. W xxx changes the physics of hearing Getting rid of the need of batteries By developing the w x x, I never again have to mess around with batteries or be tied to a power supply to charge my hearing aid. It takes just 20 seconds to reenergize and last for 24 hours, So I get total peace of mind that I'll never miss out on my connection with the world again. Now I'll read it with my version of a transatlantic accent. When you find yourself a the point where it seems like a technology can't be improved any further, that's precisely where the truly groundbreaking innovations will happen. But it takes courage and commitment to keep pushing forward when you're one of the few people that believes in the impossible. And that's why, as an engineer, I'm so impressed with the new w x x x years of dedication and hard work distilled into one moment, one simple and easy to use product that completely changes. Thean Destry W XX changes the physics of here in getting rid of the need batteries by developing the W XX. No, I never again after Mess around with Batter is will be tied to a power supply to charge my hearing aid.