Company Presentation

Profile photo for Andy Gillin
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the core business off Cottam and Eddie Gear Company is trading and biomass, mainly in sunflower husk pallets and wooden pallets. We are a direct importer of bio Mess from Ukraine and Russia. Monthly, we import from 12 to 14,000 tonnes of palettes. We target our offers primarily at commercial power plants and power plants that use bio mess to produce energy and heat. How we work our experienced team allows us to operate efficiently and quickly respond to the needs of our customers. And partners who perceive us is a reliable company always fulfilling its contractual obligations. After the goods are delivered to our base, trucks await and then unloading starts to improve communication with foreign suppliers, some of our staff of fluent in Russian and Ukrainian, which greatly facilitates daily cooperation.