Father Daughter Banquet (Believable, Father, Family Man, Caring, Concerned, natural, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, uplifting, warm, approachable, real, authentic)

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Video Narration


The National commercial used for Father Daughter Summits all over America
Believable, Caring, Concerned, natural, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, uplifting, warm, approachable, real, authentic, Family man, Father

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
remember those days? Dad wasn't that long ago that your little girl was squealing with the light. Just to see you at the end of the day made you feel like a king. How quickly things change. Now she's a teenager. She barely looks up. When you walk in the door. It's easy to get frustrated and pull back from an adolescent daughter. She's changing in ways that make it a lot less comfortable than it used to be. My dad and I don't seem to connect anymore. I can't remember the last time it was just sat down and talked well, dead. It may seem awkward, but she needs you more than ever. Research confirms that your sustaining presence is critical during these years to help you enrich that relationship. Dr. Ken Canfield on the National Center for Father Ring are hosting a father daughter summit for you and your teenage or young adult daughter. Dedicate one unforgettable day to bombing with your daughter. The summit is in Dallas on Saturday, April 1st, it will be one of the best gift you ever give her. For details. Goto fathers dot com slash summit or call 805 93 Dads