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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our surprise is just the best. Like when you plan to break up and he plans an engagement. Discovering the speed limit just dropped to 35 or those Legos you find at 2 a.m. no thanks. Surprises, especially when it comes to a furnace. Get yours inspected by a licensed contractor. When you're younger, everything around you is so colorful, so new, so real and so hard to remember. I hold on to a glimpse of color I saw once in a dream. I tried to grab it, but as soon as my hand was in reach, I woke up. I swear I still see it. Everything around me is in black and white, but every once in a while, at least expected. It's there. But I'm scared to pursue it. What if it's another dream? What if I'm living on a false hope? But then again, what if it's really? Maybe these moments are not trying to remind me of what I've seen. But instead of revealing unimaginable beauty of the future, I practiced this art because the real magic is done by the one who gives himself through the assistance of others. That's why I love to tell my guests whenever they arrive that the magic begins, he high. I'm Lenny, the L And just like other owls. I've got big, bright eyes of hungry belly and I live in a tall oak tree with my amazing family. I was born and raised on an island called You See, there's this thing called school and for years classrooms have looked the same. Top the same, acted the same, which might lead you to think all schools are the same. This is what we say about school. We say school should be unique to the student, innovative and state of the art where we inspire kids to be extraordinary. It's about developing a passion for life and having fun while doing it. Not lifeless, but hands on a time to try new things and get involved. We want you to know school is worth it. It matters, you matter