E-Learning (fitness, makeup, beauty, educated, learning, soothing, relaxing, sensual)



A collection of the work I've done...

Announcer , Conversational , Snarky , Mom , Warm , Relatable , Genuine , Articulate , Business Woman , Quirky , Awkward , Hip , Edgy , Caring , Millenial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) Swiss


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to walk away the pounds. I'm Allison and Alvy, your audio guide. I'm so glad you're walking with me today. You know, this one mile walk is the perfect way to get started and be introduced to what this walking system is all about. It's also a nice short workout for you at Revlon. We believe that looking good means feeling good about yourself. And for most women, looking good begins with clear, smooth, glowing skin. How do you get it? That's what this color stay makeup video is all about. Knowing your lunch is safe from poachers. That's the blissful reality of working from home. But as anyone who has done it can tell you, the reality is a lot less dreamy. Hello and welcome to the Princeton Review's grammar Smart Audio program. This course is designed to help you clean up your grammar and improve the way you communicate. We strongly recommend visiting the flash version of our site, but to do this you'll need to have flash six installed on your machine. If you're not familiar with flash fear not. There's something magical about fire dancing on water, floating candles at instant atmosphere to a casual summer table, and with our technique, you can create lots of them and only a couple of hours. Welcome to our online course catalog. This catalogue provides you with detailed information on all of our 130 plus technical skill courses, plus more than 50 safety and health courses for your training needs.