Young Adult breakup scene

Profile photo for Nicole Blessing
Not Yet Rated


M/F teenage breakup scene.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I mean, he knew you had a boyfriend and I was in the next room, and yet he tried to kiss you. That's messed up. Sicily. I would normally agree. Except I had let Andrew no, all my trust issues with Zach. Andrew hadn't taken advantage of it. Instead, he had listened to me and told me I deserved better. But how could I explain that to Zach without him getting mad at me? Maybe I let my guard down too much because I was upset over how you were acting with Tana. It hurt me and made me feel like you didn't care about how I felt. It's not an excuse, but I wasn't even sure you were planning to stick around. This is my fault, he asked. No, I'm just saying things have I think we need to take a break. He said What? I can't pretend that this whole thing didn't happen. And as much as I'd like to think it was all him assess, I'm not stupid. I saw the look you gave him and the way he was acting around you at the premiere. The picture with his arm around you was one thing I thought maybe he was just posing, but I got a weird vibe from it. And if there's one thing I've learned, it's to trust my gut. And my gut is telling me he's into you and something is going on to make him think you like him back. Zach, nothing happened. Then tell me why you couldn't even look me in the eye when I asked you about the way you were staring at him in the video. I'm sure I know. I got the feeling you were caught up in the whole Andrew thing and I was seriously going to pretend it didn't happen. But you had this nervous energy going on, and it was like you were trying to introduce us. For some reason, I couldn't figure out because I could not care less about the guy you knew I wasn't going to meet him yet. You were insisting on it. I thought you might want to. And I was just trying to show you there was nothing to worry about. See, that's the thing. Sicily. Why did you feel the need to do that If nothing was going on? Just admit you have some sort of feelings for the guy. Maybe you were trying to show him you had a boyfriend, but he could have cared less. And you were already in over your head with the whole thing sack. That's not I know what I saw, and I just can't deal with this right now. We need to take a break. I have to go. He hung up and I burst into tears. I was trying to figure out what to text him when my phone rang again. Are you going to give me another chance? I asked, answering. You know it. Andrew said, Oh, um hey, how's the foot? He asked. I was worried. It looks OK. It's not swollen and it doesn't feel too bad. I'll probably live. Are you okay, though? I mean, that was a pretty screwed up scene back there. I didn't mean to put you in an uncomfortable spot. You told me you had a boyfriend and I should have respected that. I just want to make sure we can still be friends because you're important to me. I'm not going to apologize for saying what I felt