Soothing Female Voice Spiritual Voice Meditation Voice Relaxing Voice



Torn Between Two Worlds Etherial and Material narrated by Hillary Hawkins
Written by Shawn T. Murphy
Full Audiobook available on Audible
Tone: Spiritual, Meditative, Soothing, Calming, Relaxing
Hillary is a seasoned audiobook narrator with over 100 titles available online. She is also available for Podcasts, Cartoons, Animation, and more.
Sounds like: Mediation Narrator, Mediation Voice Talent, Mediation Voiceover Talent, Mediation Female Voice, Female Meditation Voice Over Talent

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the same is true about certain ethereal knowledge, and that falls under a second spiritual law. Ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock, and it shall be opened unto you, Matthew 77 King James version. In other words, this is called Providence. Only when we open ourselves up to the possibility of finding an answer will the universe allow us to see the wisdom combining the two loss. Together, we can see that it takes not only the active search for wisdom but also the worthiness to receive it and to make it more complicated. Ethereal beings who follow the path of rhetoric try everything in their power to keep us from finding wisdom by instilling doubt. This is why having faith is so important. Having faith in oneself and faith in the nobility of nature are key to unlocking wisdom.