Commercial Demo

Television Ad


Demo showcases both serious/professional and friendly/warm tones in advertising.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
let us master the asphalt arts, but it's hug every corner. No kiss every corner. Let us define elegant change. So last week I'm at the check out and I've noticed they've undercharged me by a lot. But I didn't say anything. I know I should have told the cashier, but then I found out CVS lowered their prices. This simple act will change a baby's life. It will help the brain develop and instill the beauty of human contact. It's a hug, and it's the inspiration that goes into everything we make. Huggies. We dream of slaying the monster that is pediatric cancer. It takes courage to turn that dream into reality. But every single day we see that courage in the Children we care for. ST Mary's Pediatric Cancer Center.