Alexa Kahn Commercial Demo

Video Narration


National TV and Radio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to us. Connectivity is everything. So when the batteries on our laptops, phones and tablets run low, we just recharge, reboot and restart the How do we humans recharge? I just go to McDonald's. I am making myself strong. I am making myself it. I am making myself shine. Make yourself women's Nike Attention, passengers. We're all getting at style. Upgrade with new old Navy white teens. These genes Only 19 old Navy Come fun come all thes Captain has turned on the fashion. Fine. I am strong. I am inspired. I am unstoppable. Breast cancer. Three day challenge. You got her those concert tickets, making you the coolest mom ever. Good thing you remember to pick up Advil from Target Target for cool moms everywhere. The Reed's signature diamond available exclusively it reeds jewelers. Everybody loves Barbie. I wish I had hair like Theo. All Barbies air on sale up to 50% off. Make all their wishes come true. At toys arrest, a lot of girls go out at night. There's something about slaying a dragon that so empowering. The only thing that makes me go a F K is the craving. When it hits, I gotta put down the controller and refuel with the Big Mac