Start Up Explainer Video Millenial boodle- Instructor - Teacher - Real Person - Spokesperson - Smart - helpful - genuine - friendly

Video Narration


Explainer friendly guide start up - Millenial - Instructor - Teacher - Real Person - Spokesperson - Smart - helpful - genuine - friendly

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to Bootle Ai. First, we want to say thank you for being the kind of person who makes the world a better place. It's our mission to support nonprofits on their journey to make a difference. But even with the best intentions we understand in today's technological climate, privacy is at the top of everyone's mind. That's why Boodle Ai places the highest priority on your privacy and security, as well as the privacy and security of your network. It is crucial that everyone, especially our fundraisers, feel confident that their data is secure with the boodle. A. I promise. We vowed to do three important things we will never share. Unapproved information. No. One at the nonprofit your fundraising for will ever see your personal or contacts information. You choose who and when to engage. All communications will be sent by you. The fundraiser. We will never independently send a message to any of your contacts, nor will be ever post to any social networks on your behalf. You stand control. Always. We will never share or sell data to anyone ever. That includes the nonprofit your fundraising. For although boodle AI is a data rich company, we're not a big data company, and we take that very seriously. Simply put, Boodle Ai abides by all of the best cybersecurity practices to ensure your data is protected at all times. For a full report on how we keep and protect your data, visit boodle dot ai slash user privacy and that's it ready to get started, then let's boodle.