Bryan Jester - Non Fiction Audiobook Demo



\"The Book on Negotiating Real Estate\" by Mark Ferguson

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the real world of negotiations, often times the best we can strive for is to get everything we want or need while giving the other party just enough to satisfy them. Obviously, we'd love for the other party to be thrilled about the outcome as well, especially if we expect that we'll have to negotiate with them again in the future. But at the very least, we want them to walk away without any lingering animosity or regret. In any negotiating situation, there are going to be some things that both parties really want, and there will be other things one side finds important. But the other side doesn't particularly care about a fair solution. Generally speaking is more than each party simply getting an equal amount of the agreement. This is where perception becomes important. In most cases, the parties won't consider the compromise to be a good one unless they also felt involved and empowered during the negotiation. If the other side felt humiliated or steamroll during the negotiation, they won't be satisfied no matter how much they got. In other words, negotiation is not just about the outcome. It's about the process