TV and Radio Commercials Demo - Michelle Falanga - Female, Authentic, Real, Natural, Relatable, Real Person,Conversational, Young, Millennial, Gravel, Texture

Television Ad


Sampler of various Commercial projects I have voiced. TV and Radio Commercials Warm, Friendly, Real Person, Authentic, Real, Natural, Relatable, Conversational, Young, Millennial, Gravel, Texture, Human, Inspiring, Empowering, Happy, Friend, Believable, Casual, Upbeat, Confident, East Coast, West Coast, Sweet, Warm, Youthful, Wry, Attitude, Tina Fey, Nike, Inspirational, Empowering, Women Empowerment, Strong, Female Kristen Wiig, Tina Fey, Allison Janney, Emma Stone, Scarlett Johansson, Rashida Jones, real, authentic, conversational, business, professional, sultry, sympathetic, expo, event, exciting, energetic, upbeat, relatable, friendly, genuine, wink, trustworthy, girl next door, enthusiastic, inviting, warm, rich, enigmatic, mysterious, mature, natural, narrator, intelligent, clear, cool, new, technology, girl next door, upbeat, happy, warm, inviting, motherly, fashionista, catty, dramatic, intense, storyteller, sarcastic, relaxing, soothing, low key, powerful, helpful, mysterious, everyday, approachable, personable, sincere, genuine, honest, bold, strong, active, dynamic, youthful, charismatic, US General American (GenAm), US West Coast (California), Announcer, Generation X, Girl Next Door, Amusing, Animated, Friendly, Genuine, Hip

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in a world where you can be anything, be brave, be strong, be you. All kids like to be superheroes from time to time. But like all superheroes, there's always an evil villain. Fact. Emily hasn't bought groceries and weeks. So how is she creating this masterpiece? The child who could be an explorer and a scientist and an architect all in a single day? Coffee? Oh, thanks. How did you sleep like a baby? He's resting in the living room in the sun in his favorite chair were not driven by fame or recognition. I love you. Phone street talk. It's easy to keep. You are number and save up to $950 a year around here. We don't sit back and wait for others to pave the way I hear you, but it just takes a little practice. I mean, didn't you just teach sack to ride his bike? One of only a few hospitals in the US performing surgeries on babies before they're born. It said you get out of life what you put into life. But when was the last time life gave you back? 30 Burpees