Audiobook Sample (Vampires, YA, Teen, Dialogue, Fantasy, Drama, Young Adult)



An excerpt from a YA Fantasy book about vampires

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
he draws his lips back as if he's going to bite her. No, my cry out. I run to them. I don't know what nightmare this is, but I won't stand by and do nothing. I grab rolls arm and pull him away. Let her go. He throws me off him as if I weigh no more than a paper doll. I fall to the ground and grunt. Already rule has April in his embrace. He drops her back almost like a lover stub. I scream. I picked myself up and throw myself at them. Don't hurt her. Rahul moves with astonishing speed. My effort nets me nothing but my hands grasping through empty air in the spot they just been. Raul looks from April to me. The poor girl is staring at me wide eyed. You care, he says slowly. What happens to this wench? I flinched at his choice of words. April gives no response. She just stands there, drained, devoid of life. She looks like she's given up. Yes, I care, I say. What were you going to do to her? Is she another one like me? Caught up in this twisted game? Raoul's lips to a chub. Maybe in a smile, maybe in a snarl. It's hard to tell. Let me assure you, he lets her go in steps toward me, that this girl is nothing like you.