Drew Coombs - Bruce Grey Simcoe - Friendly - Endearing



Reflective Inspiring Inspirational Motivational Friendly Conversational Believable Confident Informative Authoritative Casual Relaxed Approachable Meditative Emotional Father Relaxing Comforting Warm Uplifting Nurturing Classy Calming Friendly Authentic Conversational Educational Concerned Uplifting Motivational Fatherly Heartfelt Warm Honest Confident Everyman Generation X Straightforward Professional Reassuring Engaging Guy Next Door Knowledgeable Calming Believable Commercial General American GenAm North American Canadian Neutral American Approachable Personable

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
adventure, and Bruce Gray Simcoe is always over the top. Bigger, grander, told her wilder. Deeper, steeper and funner like the caves of lions head with Saugus 100 foot sand dunes, the shipwrecks of Fathom five or the waterfront bike trails in Midland. There's always more to see and explore, and never enough summer to do it all. So what are you waiting for? Plan your get away at Bruce. Gray cinco dot com Bruce Gray Simcoe Always in season.