Tim Dawson-conversational narration

Video Narration


This is an example of several different types of reads: corporate narration, documentary narration, inspirational appeal, e-learning

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Apple computer began with a simple idea that the power of computing should be available and accessible to everyone. On that premise, the personal computer revolution was launched in 1912. Construction began. Pick Town had been transformed into Evitts Field, baseball's newest shrine, where some of the game's greatest drama would take place. In the years to come, Dodger fans would see more bad times than good, but hardly cared. Listen to the Southern cadences of a pioneer broadcaster and witness firsthand when a black man wearing the number 42 trotted out to first base. Congratulations. You just bought Allstate homeowner's insurance. And now, if your home or property suffers a covered loss or is damaged, you'll be covered. And that's a good feeling. Bill French spends a few days living on the streets. Wholeness Every year, he says it informs, is understanding and outlook about the people he serves at the Good Shepherd Refuge is becoming one with those Bill serves a small picture of what Jesus did for us