Commercial Montage

Profile photo for Karl Brown
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Hard sell, soft sell, and continuity reads - a short snippet of the range of commercial reads I can offer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why safer designer One off When you can create your own collection. T. K. Maxx. You'll always find up to 60% off women's wear menswear Kids wear shoes, accessories and home where T. K Maxx, where you get labels for less. When you shop online at Waitrose, we won't give you any offers. Well, any that don't suit you because we think the best person to pick office for you is well. You save 20% on your choices. Every time you shop online at Waitrose, Waitrose, pick your own office. Don't talk to me about morals. What do you expect me to do? They killed my friends. Declared war on my world all in the name ofthe their God. The only way to fight them is to become. Then then then Now I don't know where they end. And I begin One thing I do know they I won't win Ground zero on Xbox 3 60 And this is just the beginning. Great Ormond Street Hospital is an extraordinary place that needs your help. We provide inspirational and world class care to hundreds of Children every day, but we need to raise over £50 million every year to give hope to very sick Children and their families to donate. Visit gosh dot or GE Great Ormond Street Hospital. The child first and always who lives in a pineapple under the sea? I don't know. SpongeBob Square PANTS. Uh, if you're looking for non stop entertainment, look no further. He's a sponge. His name's Bob. And guess what? We're square SpongeBob Square pants on Nick TV. Funniest little fella.