Gramps and grandaughter - Mixed gender, generational, comedic, dialogue - audiobook



Jackrabbit Junction by Ann Charles. Narration by Miss Bee

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Claire grabbed a handful of males from the pocket of her tool belt and held them up to Gramps. I told Ronnie she could stay because she's your granddaughter. He pointed the hammer at her. But she's your sister that makes her one step closer and blood to you than me. She needs to stay put right where she is with you. Shielding her eyes, Claire glared at the honoree coast on the ladder. Ronnie has been staying with me for almost a month, in case you've forgotten. Her older sister had been the source of several rumbles between Clear and her boyfriend to Mac, whose house the three of them was sharing. It's someone else's turn to show for her around like she's Miss Daisy. Since arriving in Tucson, Ronnie had been blowing her money on a silly post divorce makeover. She'd had her salon blonde hair dyed back to brown and trimmed into shoulder length curls. She'd even bought Vanity Contacts to make her 2020 brown eyes blue, which put the old song by Crystal Gayle and Claire's head whenever Ronnie wore them. I'm not sure if you noticed Claire, but Jack Rabbit Junction doesn't have any of those fancy spot places. Run It likes to go to. She snorted no ****. Gramps took office, faded U S army hat and wiped the sweat from his brow. The last thing I need right now is another pain in the *** female nagging me to take her to town. Ruby can take Ronnie to Yucca Ville. It could be a weekly Girls Day out, Gramps. Granted, Ronnie is your problem. We have our hands full with a teenager whose father is scrambling her brains far from done with her campaign to get her older sister out of her hair. Quite. Let him change. The subject. Just has given you grief, huh, Gramps? New wife had come with some hormone laden baggage. A 16 year old whose biological father had opted to pay child support in lieu of doling out love and attention. It's not really Jesus fault. Gramps pounded in another nail. Her dad is getting there all screwed up. Is he still ignoring her letters? It's worse. He's writing back. What? Why the sudden interest? Then it dawned on her. Just didn't tell him about the mind stocks. Did she Gramps granted again. When was that? Red haired, freckle faced girl going to learn that talking about cash attracted all sorts of trouble. Is he trying to get out of paying child support? Gramps banged away for several seconds. The echo ricocheted through the arroyo behind them. He's trying to get just to come live with him. I thought his other kids were more important than her. So did he, until his wife left him and decided to sue for custody. Raveling pain to sits, a child support. He set his sights on just moving in with him so Ruby has to pay him. Jess is convinced he's finally come around wanting her in his life. And you know how hard it is to sell her any truths when it comes to that horse's ***. How's Ruby taking this? She curses and throws things when just sitting around clear grimaced. He says he's coming down here soon to spend some time getting to know Jess. Wow, he's not messing around now that there is money in it for Missy. Nope,