Guy Next Door

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Variations of Guy next door

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When was the last time you were? Wow. I mean, really, really. Wow. I'm talking jaw dropping, mind popping. Knock your eyes off your face. Disbelief. This is Allie packs a modular backpack designed for any kind of adventure. Our goal was to create a simple product that answers to complex situations. Summer fun is tubing miles down the river, hiking up 14,000 feet. But stopping everything and running to the bank is not part of the fun. When was the last time you saw a movie you found so captivating that she felt compelled to talk about it after not just a favorite moment, like when cap was found worthy to wield mill near or when NEOs stopped the bullets instead of dodging them? Or when Chief Brody proclaimed they needed a bigger boat? And now imagine. Imagine having autopilot control, but but not here in your car, having a car that fits all your crew and your family