
Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Kenyan (East Africa) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to My Travels, a podcast about the adventures of Tim, a geek who loves to travel. In this episode, we will visit the Rocky Mountains in Colorado in late October. Off 2005 we were off to Denver after spending a few hours hiking around Red Rock, where the leaves were still bright yellow. We drove up to East Park. I shot this picture off a fast running stream against the beautiful backdrop ofthe snow topped mountains. I didn't realise that people actually live in the park until I saw their mailboxes near some mountain cabins. We hiked up to Nim Flake, where the weather went from sunny to snowing and back to sunshine again in just a couple of hours. The fresh smell of pine in the cool air was invigorating. Welcome to my travels, Ah, podcast about the adventures of Tim, a geek who loves to travel in this episode. In this episode, we will visit the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. In late October, off 2005 we were off to Denver after spending a few hours hacking around the Red Rock where the leaves were still bright yellow. We drove up to East Spark I shot this picture off a fast running stream against the beautiful backdrop ofthe snow topped mountains. I didn't realise that people actually live in the park until I saw the mailboxes near some mountain cabins. We hiked up to Nim Flick, where the weather went from Sonny two snowing and back to sunshine again in just a couple of hours. The fresh smell of pine in the cool air, words invigorating.