Crime MAss Kilings China

Profile photo for Joy A Ceniza
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Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good day. Everyone, please check more off my demos for your reference today I'm going to read some writings from the Guinness Book of Records entitled Crime My Skilling's in China. The Greatest massacre ever imputed by the government off the suffering nation against the government off another is that off 26 millions on 300,000 Chinese during the regime off mouth Cheech Chong between 1949 and May 1965. This accusation waas made by an agency off the U. S. Is our government. In a radio broadcast on seventh of April 1969 the broadcast broke down the figure into four pier use. Dupe went eight millions 1949 to 1952 3.5 milion in 1953 to 57 6.7 millions in 1958 to 1960 on 13.3 millions in 1961. So May 1965 the I s reported death figures in single monthly announcement on picking radio where one Miljan and 176,000 in the problems is off our chick young young So Shandong and one point 150,000 in the central Zone Provinces Point, April. Minister of Finance is alleged to have stated in the organ for a lasting piece for a people's democracy in the bus. Three years in 1952 1952 we have liquidated more than two million bandits. General Chuck E's Gilly Armas, our friends diploma estimated the total execution between for Brian 1951 until May 1952 at between one million and three million in April 1971 the Executive Cabinet of John Off the implacably hostile government of their public off China and Type II Taiwan announced its official estimate of the mainland death rule in the period off 1949. The 1969 as athlete at least 39,940,000. This figure, however, exclude excluded teens of thousands killed in degree proletarian court. Cultural beautiful you should we should Be gun in late 1966. The Walker Report published better You ascended Committee off the Judiciary in July 1971. Place this unit committee off Department ER's for the total death drove since 1949 between 32.25 and 61 points have been made. That's it