Political Advertisement Demo

Radio Ad


Political demo include positive and negative issue and candidate ads, plus a humorous ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Doug Jones is your voice in Washington as a senator. Doug Jones has championed Alabama values while standing up against Republican extremism. Way have shown the country way. Clean energy. It sounds complicated and expensive, but it's not Solar and wind power just makes sense. And the cost to generate energy from these natural sources is lower than ever. It's your planet. Join the clean energy revolution. North Carolina deserves better. Roy Cooper is out of touch with our state. He's raised taxes on small business, added red tape to an already bloated bureaucracy and attack the rights of people of faith. What's got two legs, black hair and always runs from a fight? No, it's not a strange looking chicken. It's Susan Collins, a coward who tries to look tough by standing up to the president on Lee to back down and vote with him at the last second on every single issue. Immigration, taxes, even Brett Kavanaugh. I feel very comfortable that I've made the right decision. I grew up in a family of Democrats. It's practically in my blood, but how am I supposed to support a party that thinks higher taxes are the answer to everything Yeah, I make a good living, but with two kids and a mortgage, I can't afford to turn over almost 40% of my income to the government. And now the party is being taken over by socialists like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Visit RNC dot ord and learn how the Democrat Party has lost touch with people like you and me.