2020 - Animated Characters



Just a small sampling of the characters that are coming out of the booth in 2020. I love getting creative and discovering the voice of heroes, villains, creatures, and everything in between.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wait a minute. If there's so much water, why don't we have to worry about saving it? Well, you mess with the ham, you get that hammer or perish in a black void. I've seen it happen. Well, let's not a bad idea. She could help cricket find his tools. Excuse me, mister. You have any ice cream? I dropped mine. That buzzer means we're just about out of time. Look at me. I can fly. Lester was given a magic wish by the goblin who lives in the banyan tree. And with his wish, he wished for two more wishes. So now, instead of just one wish, he cleverly had three. Hey, I'm walking here. You got something against ducks? You know, You think Doug could get a coffee in this city without the threat of being road kill? What do you know? It looks like we found ourselves a really tough guy. Way should make a part of the crew. How many times do we gotta do this? I'm tired. I want to go home. Frankie. I thought I said no, Cochi. And what do you say we do now? Stand around waiting until we both dance. Stamp in jig. You probably think I'm just one of those adorable type people. Will guess again