Travis-Commercial Demo 2020

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the sound of the morning. It means something, a new beginning and a new day. I like to start at Duncan. This'd April witnessed the re imagining of the most iconic series ever. CBS All Access It's waiting foryou. December 17th 1903 was a bitterly cold, windy Friday. Two men not well educated, not famous or wealthy, are about to achieve something mankind has dreamed of for eons. In just a moment, you'll sense nothing but pure power. He remember a picnic in the country on a summer afternoon. That's right, by what we've got is a coffee package. Grew up to 12 cups with this coffee maker from Queens in Art for your Family at Disney World this holiday season find adventure and most of all, memories.