Audiobook Noir Suspenseful Narration



A sample of a dark science fiction story featuring a noir-ish suspenseful read also suitable for a dark mystery or crime story.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I almost died. The first time I learned that I could walk through walls. At least you no longer laugh at the concept. That's progress. But then you know better. My guards do not. So they laugh. Of course they laugh. They've never seen me do it. If I could do it here, I would have escaped long before. Now that much is obvious to anyone you know better because you've seen it used. It used me. I'm not bitter anymore. Without you and your institute, I'd never have had a scientific explanation for what happens to me. I might still believe that I'd permanently slipped a cog was living in some schizophrenic hallucination. I never tried to spend the money from that bank. You know, part of me couldn't believe it was real. I was desperate for an explanation. You can't know what it's like. At least Pearson's theories about inter penetrating universes offered one possible means of rationalizing the irrational. A straw I could grasp. You're Dr Stork simply said the model fit the observable facts in my case, but I know he was glad he didn't have to try to convince the rest of the scientific community give up on their precious Einstein. I don't expect to live to see it, but then I don't expect to live to see tomorrow. And that first time it happened, I didn't know anything about the parallel universe theories. I just knew that I turned the wrong direction in 1/13 floor office suite, and instead of slamming into a triple paned window, I found myself in the open air with one foot on a 10 inch ledge and the other on nothing. Nothing of our material universe, anyway. Maybe in that other place it was the protruding end of a two by four because that version of the building was still under construction. I don't know. In the bright sunlight, I couldn't see it. I couldn't see anything but 13 floors worth of empty space between me and the hard pavement. If I'd stopped for even a moment, I would have lost my balance or fainted instead, my automatic reaction was to step backward without thinking of what my right foot could be pushing against. And then I was back inside the room behind the glass. The whole thing could not have taken more than a few seconds. I knew I must have been hallucinating. The mind can't accept something like that and just reject the construct of reality built up over a lifetime. It happened again a couple of weeks later. I've told you about that one. I desperately wanted to read my boss's analysis on the report I just given him. My career hung on it. Some of the report was going to make him look bad, and I need to defend myself. When we brought it to the board, I even made an excuse to stay late that night, hoping against hope that he'd leave his office door unlocked. He didn't. But as I leaned on the polished wood trying to plan my next step, suddenly I was inside the office and the papers were lying on his desk. I couldn't explain. It didn't even try. I had what I wanted, and that was all that mattered at the time, who was later calming my nerves at a bar down the street, that the first incident came back to me and I began to try to make the pieces fit. I felt like a god that night