

A collection of clips from e-Learning projects designed to inform and educate on a variety of subjects, from rocks to fire escapes to food waste.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. I'm a geologist. Geologists study rocks Now you may think that rocks are all the same, but a closer look shows that rocks have different shapes, colors and their hardness also varies. Today I'm gonna show you how the rocks beneath our feet came about. I say we want to find the speed of a wave with the frequency of five hertz. We'll need the wavelength of the wave represented by the Greek letter Lambda and we confined the wavelength by measuring it on the graph. Your task is to create a fire escape plan by drawing a floor plan of your house marking a way out of each room in case of fire to create a room. Dragged the square from the tools menu onto the grid. Food waste is a big deal, right? But how large is the impact of food waste? Consider, in the time you watch this video, over 200 tons of food waste will be sent to landfills across the country. Thea art of distilling was brought to Kentucky in the late 18th century by the Scots Irish, another European settlers. Today the state of Kentucky is the heart of bourbon making in the U. S. In fact, there are three barrels of bourbon aging for every two people who live in Kentucky.