

A collection of clips from internal e-Learning presentations directed at a corporation's employees.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
many businesses face a similar information technology scenario. The business struggles to understand the value of their i T investments while the IittIe organization struggles to engage business leaders in the i T. Decision making necessary to deliver strategic outcomes. The target profile describes what a successful candidate will look like as you define a target profile. Think about these questions. What are must have versus nice toe have skills and qualifications. What made the incumbent successful or not? And is there someone in your team that has an ideal profile for this role? A development discussion with your manager is crucial to your career plan. Your manager will help you translate your skills and aspirations into a clear and meaningful course of action. To make the most of this discussion, you need to come prepared. Let's look at a few things you can do to make sure you are. Customer experience seems like a simple concept, but people interpreted in many different ways. Hopefully, this training module can clear that up. Let's start with the basic definition. Customer experience is the perception and expectation that customers have of their interactions with an organization. The word perception is critical because customer experience really is in the eyes of the beholder.