Profile photo for PAULO QUEVEDO
Not Yet Rated


characters, commercial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you could hear making a plasma. La Perla Frontally communication. Intralot, Polish elephant Scalia. But on a serious level that Larkin ticket remarking Scalia del Distrito they saw for another meant Tinoco Nascimento, Mouly Mittal the criminal! Oh, here, the monarchy Cuando se present Aldean cassava Poquito mask. A use focus hasn't impressed you. Nadal's police here municipally were also spectroscopy. Mama number Sotto Hallows part a lesson mystique as Uranus sartorius investigator on the noon says it tortura perilous. South Korea is renovates. Kastigar Anillos Funcionarios publicos Poor last Arturas. But a program a selection. Animals are trained. Her mother is younger. Public warrant I see it. The familiars. Yours, castles. So who's tunnel Berfield? Nebulous unions, etc. Not to sin city, but in regardless, Castle Salmasi. Anything Larry Syrians? Yes. Is that in an ordinary motor? So Nadia Sertic and a software does unless you have associative familiar stunt this lazy Kocoras, CBD and vivienda Safina Al, is that the We our Los Angeles? We are here before the players before this stadium. We are the greatest fans, the ones who believe in dreams because when l A f c was for dreams, dreams of passion, becoming part of the That's why Delta are flying alongside. Wait. So in the future way Look back way We're all there When everything stuff way are the passion We are a C.