FOX Animation Reel



Snippets of characters voiced for various animated programming. Every voice done by Glenn Rockowitz.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, guys. My boss sent me here to help you guys with the cleaner. So I sweep. Why? You guys got them up? Okay. You guys are my best friends. I love you. That's right, you havens. I am a sorcerer who sees the infinite darkness in the soul of all mankind and harnesses it to create the most delicious taffy. This morning we left from Cain's a city and now we in Paris, France, standing underneath the arc. The trial only changed the Ulysses e believe it's called the shanty Thursday, but maybe unprofessional. Well, whatever it is, it's pretty enough to buy guy and dogs. Smile, kids. It's story time with Nana. Big talk. But I don't understand why I need to give you a credit card and premises playing Peter. Well, you can have my Mervyn's credit card. The one by my house has a Mac Donald fried inside of it through the end. It's God pulls ahead. ******* trigger. Anyway, we don't get to decide who lives in new dies. You just flick that switch late. Roy. Room. Dad, this pretty party really sucks. Your eyes were Mama. I want to be pouring. No, the other growth starts upto wear this helmet in mouthpiece. Wow, You're beautiful. Sweet, are you? Just got a little chin first. Like your mother. Now hand me those moderate lights and keep filing down the abundance. Oh, yeah, that's the stuff.