Teen Crisis Ad - Conversational, Genuine, Caring, Young Adult Female

Video Narration


This Public Service Announcement was for Frederick County Health Department as a way to outreach to teens who are struggling or in need, especially due to the pandemic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
getting through life in normal times wasn't easy. But with the pandemic, sometimes it feels like you do anything to get those normal times back. Know what I mean? Just know that the extra stress you're experiencing right now is totally normal. And the key to getting through it is to pay attention to how you and others around you worth thinking and feeling from one day to the next, so that you can spot a possible problem before it becomes a real one. Like depression anxiety. I'll call her drug abuse, trauma or even suicide. There's a way forward in Frederick County whether you just want to talk to someone about where your head's at, learn more about caring for yourself for someone else, or where to get help. We got you covered. Visit a way forward together dot org's slash team or call 211 and asked to talk to a crisis counselor. Remember, you're never ever alone connect with us and let's move forward together