

This demo consists of a small narration then a documentary style of read and ends with a PSA which is indicative of a narration. This demo reflects natural speaking for Narrations, Documentaries, Training and Sales Presentations, Websites, Telephone and IVR.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Honest Johnson Chris Radio volunteer Chris wants you to know that the year repertory did in New Haven is offering an audio described performance of Eclipsed, a dramatically rich story of the relationships among five women and how they survived the ravages of Liberia's civil war. Key among their recommended solutions was building a National Traits back in response system. This would be a system that quickly and easily traces back sources of food borne illness, protects consumers and helps industry recover faster. Still, despite the dedicated efforts of food safety officials across the country, the so called food chain gone haywire remains extremely expensive and limited. But highly respected, uneducated government and industry professionals from around the world say frustration over this problem will soon disappear. I'm gonna have your pulled pork sandwich. Does anything come with that good suggestion? I think I'll have honey barbecue