In Verona BBC Radio 4 Drama

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Intimate, evocative short story for BBC Radio 4

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you smile, you smile a victorious smile And you know in this moment that all the roads of your life are brought you to this point. His eyes are in shadow and then he is suddenly so still that you know he has seen you. And in that instant, in the pause before the music begins in the inn drawn breath of the crowd, the walls of that ancient arena seemed to close. Around the two of you, a stone lid slams shut. You take a step to the side, you say skews E to the young woman standing next to you. Theme music begins on DH Billows around the walls Think ahs incense trapped in the stone as you are vibrating in your bones skin. Soon you will be close enough touch