Commercial Demo for Mary Jo Ip

Radio Ad


warm, trustworthy, retail
A voice with a twinkle in the eye!

Suitable for radio or TV.
Voice can be middle aged or sound in the 30's age range.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How you doing? Uh, down here. Your desk? Yeah, Yeah. Um, I've been keeping an idea in the back of a drawer and, well, me and the pencil sharpener think you're ready for the B. J. C 6 10 color bubble jet printer from Canon. You know, might be Inc really understands what it means to turn on a dime. That's why Montecito Bank and Trust designed a line of credit, especially for small business owners like me. Imagine a place where stress is relieved and the pressures of the day seemed to just melt away. And what if you could go there tonight at Pacific Medical Centers? We think everyone should have exactly the kind of doctor they're looking for. Would you get this a long Christmas store? Coolest, sweetheart, it's your mother calling again. Just wanted to tell you that I heard your band on top 40 radio. It seems like lots of people are really into that loud noise. So So that's wonderful news. Okay, call soon by now. Uh,