Television Ad


Cochran Keating's Commercial Demo showcases his talent as a one-on-one communicator, employed by major advertisers.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
squirrel biologists were on a mission to improve the way you clean your shower. Mission accomplished. New scrubbing bubble, mega shower. Former. We work hard so you don't have to on from now on. Never forget. If the poker face had a face, it would probably be your face. PokerStars. You are already a great poker player. Galaxy s fine is now on Virgin Mobile. Try and be cool. It's taken. We know we're excited. Galaxy has five on Virgin Mobile Unlimited data messaging 35 bucks a month. Columbia sportswear will be put to the test. A cat in a tiny jacket. A sexy, sexy man Shoe salad. Did I mention a cat in a tiny jacket? It's ridiculous. It's science. It's ridiculous science.