Conversational Bank Commercial

Radio Ad


Believable, Softspoken, real, sincere

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


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you have to work. I mean, everybody does, But I wanna learn to, You know, I'd love to work in a place that's professional and the people are nice and we have a chance to grow, even. Make a little more money after a while if I'm good at what I do. I know it sounds silly, I guess, but I'd like to feel good about going to work. That's my dream job, Really. Your dream job is waiting for you at Boone County National Bank if you have a high school diploma, the willingness to learn new things and a desire to grow your career over the next few years. Stop by Boone County National Banks Employment Night on Tuesday, October 17th Anytime between four and eight. Just walk in the fountain lobby on Eighth Street at the downtown bank. Informational sessions run every hour. That's Tuesday evening, October 17th from 4 to 8 at Boone County National Bank. You're an equal opportunity employer. Call 5738748571