Bruce Lorie Narration Demo

Television Ad


A distinctive voice that is charming, sincere, masculine and emotional.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hidden unseen within the earth. Extraordinary geological forces are at work, absolutely madness. This is the Nike A mine in northern Mexico thing. Starting point for a journey to one of the most spectacular and extreme places on or in the planet. It's just right. This heat is just a taste of what lies ahead. The candy cane is one of the most beloved holiday traditions, and just outside Seattle Washington, the elegant gourmet is giving the classic candy cane a new shape. It's called the Candy Cane Tree. The candy cools very quickly, and that's the article combining to holiday favorites the Christmas Tree and the candy Cane, the National Parks of North America, Havens of the Mountain, Spirits of Desserts and Mysteries, living museums of nature's most profound beauty. National Park is an American invention, an expression of the American soul in the immensity of their diversity. They provide us with the fullest sense of who we are. But behind the outrageous slapstick comedy lurks. A multitalented performer like Jewish time, committed to pushing himself to the limit, will try anything for a laugh Once Hale is the leader of a new generation of cynical, subversive comics. Today, He's a mainstream superstar, having appeared in blockbusters like There's Something About Mary, Meet the Parents and Night at the Museum. Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer, almost always associated with exposure to asbestos. It's rare, but when a family member is diagnosed with mesothelioma, it's not just a word anymore. It's not rare anymore.