Old man character voice

Video Narration


Old man character voice used in a SW Bell spot, recorded in a studio during a commercial VO class. I edited the spot from my home equipment.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you. Young kids today have no idea how easy you have it in distant breakfast, self cleaning ovens, electricity. And now this prepaid cellular service from Southwestern Bell Wireless with no credit check. Who I In my day, there was always a credit check. Ah, full body cavity, credit check and no deposit. Why? We used to have to give up our first born. I am sorry, little Timmy. And now you're crowd the one with special sneakers for every sport is getting cellular service with none of that. Blue's my mind. No annual contract and no monthly bills. Well, we could never afford such luxuries. We were lucky if there was food on the table. Heck, we were lucky if there was a table him to think of it. We didn't even have tables. Then need off her laps if we were lucky enough to have laps. Now I'm telling you, you have no idea how good you have it