Animated Voice


Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
beautiful twins did not make it easy for me to make the 150 cupcakes halfway. Have trouble with alternating frosting, which I was planning to do during their nap. I only got 75 done in their all white. And that just won't dio How could I possibly bring only white cupcakes? Toe investable, Big sale bounce house funds own to talk to the bartender gives us for giant. Filled with what? Help drink that much in one sitting. It was like Italy with swath. Pot doors will close in 10 seconds. Please move forward onto the observation deck for your own safety, do not try to leave the observation day. Commander, Do you want to initiate evacuation? Check it. It's Saturday. Girlfriend Wind calls me up and you know girls night out, dress up, flirty where the heels get out to the dance club I said, sure, when these things by got my silver pants on Billy ringing and I'm ready to a serious actress. I've been working at the club for three years now. You can keep pushing me around. I deserve some respect. Wait tables forever make people