TV and Radio Commercial Montage




Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for the latest MBA playoff scores to ESPN SportsCenter by the year 2070. Ah, world has but one remaining flaw. Total recall. 2070 A new Showtime original. Siri's 2070 is closer than you think they're Saturday. It's family. Finally find family. Have you explored your world lately in 63 countries? In a world of ways, The Discovery Channel. Explore your world. So we're talking about pizza today, all right, by talking about the ingredients and talking about the box is classified Top secret for your eyes. Only this fall, the award winning producers at New Dominion Pictures are taking you and your viewers where no cameras have ever gone before. Inside the FBI file, no one delivers for you like the United States Postal Service. Go express overnight and fly with the Eagles. It's look, that's cool, but this is where you concentrate. Your intelligence forces. Its bond. James. 30 Years of James Bond, November 30th through December 6. Young TVs names Joe Charisma with Jahr's candy, she said, with a boy so husky a Capulet dog sled. If you like true model of design and engineering that provides cool, reliable comfort. After all, you can be sure of its Westinghouse