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Why Demos Are Important
Adding a Demo to Your Profile
Editing or Deleting a Demo
What Does the Heart Mean On My Demos?
Can I See How Many Times My Demo Has been Listened To?
Why Won't My Demo Playback On My Profile?
Why Does My Demo Sound Distorted In Your Audio Player?
Why Won't My Demo Upload?

Why Demos Are Important

Demos are an essential part of demonstrating your voice over skills to clients. They also ensure that you appear in Search when clients are looking for particular voice over categories and they're crucial to ensuring that our VoiceMatch matching algorithm can match the right jobs to your skillset. 

Adding a Demo to Your Profile

To upload a demo to your profile, click the ‘Edit Profile’ button from the ‘Me’ dropdown. Then, click the ‘Demos’ tab. Finally, upload a demo by clicking the ‘+ Add a Demo’ button and follow the onscreen prompts and complete the necessary fields. From there you’ll be asked to upload a demo file from your computer. Once you’re satisfied click the ‘Add Demo’ button, and you’re done!

For more information about this demo upload process, including what each of the associated fields means and how to set a Featured Demo, review this FAQ article.

Editing or Deleting a Demo

To edit a demo, click "Edit Profile' from the "Me" dropdown. Go to the Demos tab. Once you've found the demo you'd like to edit, click the "Edit" button. From there you'll be able to update any information you'd like, including replacing the existing (previously uploaded) file with a different one. Once you're satisfied with the changes, click "Save Edits".

To delete a demo in full, along with all related settings, follow the steps above to access the Edit Demo screen. From there, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the red "Delete" button.

Consider carefully before deleting a demo. Upon delete any Listens or Views associated with the demo will also be lost. This action cannot be undone. 

Quick Tip: If you are thinking about updating a demo consider that the deletion of either will also delete any of the Favorites, Listens, and/or Views that have been applied to that demo. You may wish to replace the file with an updated file rather than deleting the entire demo.

What Does The Heart Mean On My Demos?

The heart (❤) icon indicates that a demo has been added by a client to their Favorites list.

Can I See How Many Times My Demos Have Been Listened To or Viewed?

When you take a look at the public view of your profile, you'll see a headphones icon with a number next to it that will show how many times that demo has been listened to. 

Voice over talent can also access statistics from the 'Me' dropdown when logged in to their account. 

Why Won't My Demos Playback On My Profile?

For your audio files to play back they need to be in MP3 format, 128 kbps, with a sample rate of 44.1 kHz. You will also want to make sure that there are no issues with your original file name as special characters can cause issues with our server.

If your demos are in the correct format and still will not playback, then what you're experiencing could be isolated to your Internet browser or your Adobe flash software as this is required for our players to work.

  1. Consider updating your web browser to the latest version. This fixes most problems.

  2. Try a different web browser. For instance, if you normally use Internet Explorer, try Google's Chrome Browser.

  3. Update your Flash plug-in at the Adobe Flash website.

Why Does My Demo Sound Distorted in Your Audio Player?

Your sample rate is likely causing the static on the audio playback. Our audio players do not adjust the settings or otherwise convert your audio file after it's uploaded. So if the settings are not ideal for the player, then the playback will sound distorted.

Please make sure that all of your MP3s are using a bit rate of 128 kbps and a sample rate of 44.1 kHz. 

Why Won't My Demo Upload?

Our servers only accept MP3 format for demos. The ideal bit rate is 128 kbps and your sample rate should be 44.100 kHz. Demos should be no more than 1-2 MB in size each. 

If your file meets the above format requirements but still will not upload, then you may need to change the name of the file saved to your computer.

While special characters in the original file names should not cause problems when uploading files, they are an easy fix to prevent any potential issues. As a best practice use only letters or numbers when naming your files. Upper-case letters (A-Z), lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and the underscore (_) in your file names are acceptable. Refrain from putting spaces, hyphens, or dashes in the file name. Instead, use the underscore (_) to separate words.

Use a period (.) only to separate a file name extension from the rest of the name. Do not begin a file name with a period.

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Article Number
First Published
12/14/2023 09:50
Last Modified
12/14/2023 10:04
All (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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