Demo Range - Informational, Dramatic, Gen Y, Toy

Radio Ad


Demo showcases product overview, video game heroine, Gen Y Instagram campaign and my range with a toy voice. Can also provide speed read for automotive type disclaimers by request.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the 21st century has changed the way we organized our lives. We use technology to track how long we've slept, how many steps we've taken and a 1,000,000 milestones in between. From when to pick up Timmy's birthday cake to when the next report is due. Introducing We equilibrium the productivity's app that provides you with a custom diversified routine that equally considers your need for both work and leisure. Download it for free at wheat equilibrium dot com. My father, the King of Plata Door, has suffered greatly at the hands of the water's edge. King and his army as my father's only can. I must travel to the water's edge and convinced their king to bypass Plata door on their next crusade. If they choose to pay no heed to my dissuasion, then they will know the valor off the plata. Dorian Princess Yeah, we know Instagram pose are so much better when they have pets. Help us complete the picture. Direct message us to find out about ways that you can help out and save a furry friends life. You say you need help with your math homework. Well, your luck because I'm a math genius so long. Division it is. Let's start with an easy 1 10 divided by five. Thank you for listening to my demo. If you have any questions, please message me.